Sunday, January 28, 2007

RMA [ hand-phone benefit specification]

In the last lecture, Jermine and I worked together on constructing profile for boots users. Regarding lady boots, my observation is that women do have the sense of putting on their footwear suitable to the occasion, season and their outfit. When they go out in a chilled atmosphere, then they would definitely like to put on boots below their fur coat . Therefore, in my point of view, boots are the most common choice for women in winter other than in summer time.
Hence, I decided to build up an imaginary subject who would live in a place where there is winter.


Cammie is 23 years old. She is currently studying at the Helsinki School of Economics (HSE),Finland. Cammie will be graduating this coming April with an B.A degree. She is very proud to be a student of HSE, which is the largest and leading business school in Finland.

As most of female students, Cammie concerns about fashion, likes shopping and loves traveling.

As the only daughter in her family, Cammie is influenced by both her parents who are very successful in the business world. Since Cammie was young, she dreamed to be a successful business woman. That's the reason why she went to HSE. Cammie studies very well and has high scholarships offered by both school and outside big companies who wish her to work for them after graduating.

Since the first year at HSE, Cammie joined in many school's activities. She thought that those activities would help her to be more confident in public- which is the first and foremost characteristic that a business woman needs to have, make new friends, and gain experiences from them. As a result, in the third year at the university, Cammie was nominated to become a spokesperson for the Young Entrepreneur Club. Cammie is very interested in delivering talk on behalf of the club to attract new members to the Club. She loves the feelings of standing in front of new faces and sharing experiences with them. Many students at school knows Cammie who is not only good at studying but also charming and professional looking.

As the only daughter in a family in which her parents often go overseas for business trip, Cammie raises 2 puppies to make her house less empty. She considers them as brothers and sisters, and always feeds them on time. She often takes them out when she goes jogging.

Cammie is received a lot of care from parents. She loved her parents so much. She's studied music since she was 5 years old. Cammie could play organ and sing very well. With other 4 friends, they form a band namely "Snow" in which Cammie is a singer. The music line that " Snow" choose is Pop. Cammie often spares her scholarship to buy performance clothings. At weekend, Cammie and her band often meet each other. Sometimes, they go shopping to choose performance clothings. At other times, they gather to rehearse for a performance. And always , when they are free from studying, they go to parties together, sing songs, and dance.

Cammie is always aware of what she should do for her family as a filial daughter. She tries to balance time for friends at school, her band and entrepreneur club, family as well as keep her study record always on the top.

Four-pleasure Analysis :

1. Physio- pleasure :
  • As a spokesperson for the Young Entrepreneur Club, standing in front of many people and delivering speech, Cammie is aware of keeping her looking in-shape : Need- pleasure
  • Jogging keeps Cammie fit and in-shape : Need-pleasure
  • Many people at school knows Cammie, therefore keeping smiles on her face become a habit of Cammie when she meets people : Appreciation-pleasure
  • To be a singer in a music band requires Cammie to change her clothing style a little bit when she's on stage. Therefore, when standing on stage, Cammie allows herself to wear fashionable clothes than the ordinary days: Need- pleasure
2. Socio-pleasure :
  • To prepare to become a successful business woman in the future, Cammie pratises herself to be more confident, more professional speaking by joining many school's activities: Need-pleasure
  • As the only daughter in her family, Cammie basic social needs are to be loved and be shared , otherwise she feel very lonely. For her, relations with parents and friends at school are very important: Need-pleasure
  • Cammie loves the active lifestyle that she is leading and takes a secret pleasure in the status associate with it. Therefore, she loves socializing with people. She loves the feelings of standing in front of people, smiling with them, talking to them, and sharing experiences with them: Appreciation pleasure
3. Psycho – pleasure
  • Cammie loves family life, doesn't dare to stay alone. Caring puppies make her feel happy and less lonely: Appreciation pleasure
  • Cammie can play organ and sing very well- she derives a sense of a typical girl who loves anything beautiful, and who is musically inclined: Appreciation-pleasure
4. Ideo-pleasure
  • Cammie has a sophisticated lifestyle. She feels herself as a real business woman when she delivers a talk professionally. At the same time, she feels herself as an artist who can play music and sing very well: Appreciation-pleasure
  • To be known by many people at school as an outstanding student, Cammie's long-term goal is to try even more to keep such perceptions of others about her: Need-pleasure
  • To prepare to become a business woman in the future, Cammie leads an independent life. She uses her scholarships to buy performance clothing instead of asking her parents: Need-pleasure





Staying in shape

Belonging feeling



Flexible in clothes style

Good relationships with others

Sense of achievement


Professional looking/ Friendly/ Active/ Charming

Status/ Image


Hand-phone Benefit Specification:

A hand-phone for Cammie should have the following pleasures:

1. Physio- pleasure
  • The color of charming beauty. Therefore, the phone's cover should be in light color. It should have decent looking - Need
  • Professional appearance - Appreciation
  • Small and comfortable because Cammie is very active person so she maybe like something easy and small to carry - Need
2. Socio- pleasure
  • Cammie loves socializing with people. She has good relationships with many people. Therefore, a hand-phone with function of surfing the Internet, storing as many numbers as possible will help her to facilitate social interaction, or improve relationship - Need
  • Be well known in school as a spokesperson for Entrepreneur Club and a singer in " Snow" band, a hand-phone which is not really popular may be Cammie's choice. The reason is that it will help Cammie to show her own identities - Appreciation
3. Psycho-pleasure
  • Cammie is quite busy with both studying and joining school activities. Therefore, an user-friendly hand-phone will be considered. For example, a hand-phone which is equipped with intelligent t9 typing, definitely will allow Cammie to easily type text messages without pressing each key upto 4 times for the correct letter - Need
4. Ideo-pleasure
  • Cammie is a type of person who has great passion for arts. Therefore, a hand-phone with special design may attract her- Need
  • With charming looking, Cammie might prefer a hand-phone with girlish looking ( shape, decoration,etc) - Need

Based on all mentioned above , I decided to choose Fly Z500 for Cammie

Here are some previews of Fly Z500
  • Color: White- light charming color
  • Decent looking: compact powder shape which looks very girlish and professional
  • The Fly Z500 is capable of surfing the Internet with the built in browser of the phone. With this phone, you may also send MMS, or Multimedia Message Service. The phone is also able to use EMS, or Enhanced Message Service. On top of sending messages, the Fly Z500 is equipped with intelligent t9 typing, which allows you to easily type text messages without pressing each key upto 4 times for the correct letter.

    The Fly Z500 comes fully equipped with a WAP browser, and additionally an HTML browser for normal web page surfing.. including support for java.

  • Memory: Phonebook 300 names, for each you can enter up to 4 numbers, e-mail address, you can assign a user to one of 7 groups, assign a call melody and a photo or a picture. You can keep up to 140 SMS
